The ACC Make It Center
Imagine a place where individuals of all ages and their families can come for the ultimate hands-on, career-exploration experience. At Austin Community College’s (ACC) Make It Center (MIC) the possibilities are boundless. This innovative new hub will revolutionize the way we perceive career pathways by introducing visitors to a multitude of options they may have never considered before. Through dynamic partnerships and collaborative efforts, the MIC will inform, inspire, and captivate students and community members alike, empowering them to uncover meaningful careers that align with their passions, strengths, and interests. In partnership with the Make It Movement, whose goal is “to help young people discover their purpose and talents early in life so they are confident about making a great living and life doing what they love to do,” the MIC will expose our community to a world of high-skill and high-income careers that they may or may not know about.